Laudatosi Action Goals

JPIC i.e. JUSTICE, PEACE AND INTEGERITY OF CREATION. It’s a movement to combat climate issues and other justice issues. We have incorporated Laudatosi goals in our movement.

Laudato Si reminds us that human life is grounded in three fundamental intertwined relationships: with God, our neighbour and our planet home. Within these three sets of relationships there is exchange, dependency, meaning, limits and mutual benefit.The need for action is urgent. The cry of our planet home is echoed in many scientific reports. Carbon and methane in our atmosphere is beyond a safe limit, bio-diversity loss in the form of habitat destruction is a mass extinction event and the nitrogen cycle has exceeded a safe flow boundary in many parts of our world. It is an invitation to live within limits and boundaries if we are to fulfill the promise of Creation. Marking the seventh anniversary of the encyclical we look at what fruits it has yielded so far and at how Pope Francis' has set processes into motion in every field . It has challenged leaders as well as children, and transformed an “urgency” into a “habit”caring for our Common Home and for all of its creature. We IBVM JPIC South Asia and CJ/IBVM/JPIC Himalayan Team have committed ourselves to for Laudatosi Goals without compromising SDGs.

Child Labour, Gender Equality, Green Campus and Water Management are our four goals.